We will support research and development of your products

Aim of the Company

The Aim of Cosmo Silva Inc. is to support and to become useful for pushing forward progress of world science and technology and people’s prosperity and happiness. To this end, through the competent scientists and engineers in industries, universities, and governments, the scientific and engineering problems, which must be figured out today, will be solved by the state-of-art science and technology (state-of-art experiments and numerical analyses). Furthermore we will contribute to discover and develop new science and technology, which we must find out from now on,

Contents of the company

The present company performs a business to combine industries and governments with universities and research laboratories by basically consulting way and supports them to be able to solve problems and to discover new things. The founder Hayashi has been having study and research in the field of aerospace, fluid dynamics, combustion, physics, chemistry, and numerical analysis for more than 35 years. These years include seven years of study and research in US (Univ. of Calif., Berkeley, Univ. of Colorado, and Princeton Univ.). Meanwhile COE Hayashi met many excellent people to exchange close friendships and research ideas, who now became top in the above field to perform superb education and research in many countries. The company hires their excellent expertise. Of course we have the responsibility to what we produce.
To the client request the company finds out the most adequate engineer and researcher to obtain the best result. Depending client request, we can choose the engineer and researcher whom they request. Besides current experimental equipments and measuring instruments will be picked up and large scale computers including “Kei” computer will be used for numerical analysis. The most adequate numerical codes such as commercial and in-house ones will be used for numerical analysis.
In this way the company’s position is to use the perfect method as client requests and to get the best performance.

A. Koichi Hayashi,
Aoyama Gakuin University
Professor Emeritus,
received A.K. Oppenheim Prize

A. Koichi Hayashi, Aoyama Gakuin University Professor Emeritus (previously Professor of Mechanical Engineering, School of Science and Technology), received A.K.Oppenheim Prize at 26th International Colloquim on Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive System which was held at Boston, USA from July 26 through August 4, 2017.
This conference have been held every two years since 1967 to meet worldwide scientists who are studying explosion and combustion. Forty one recipients have been awarded for three different prizes ( the Numa Manson Medal, the A. K. Oppenheim Prize, and the R. I. Soloukhin Award) and only two Japanese are received such awards including Professor Hayashi. The reason of receiving award is to a great contribution on his basic understanding of detonation structure using multi-dimensional numerical analysis.
The ceremony of awarding the prize was held at the banquet of ICDERS2017 at the prestigious Harvard Club of Boston which was held at 1908. Professor emeritus Hayashi received pottery and glass made commemorative shield with the testimonial.

Information and Awards

This website was opened.
The A.K. Oppenheim Prize, The Institute of Dynamics of Explosion and Reactive Systems.
Professor I.I. Glass Memorial Lecture Award, The Japanese Shock Wave Institute
The best Reviewer Award, The proceedings of Combustion Institute, Elsevier, International Combustion Society.
Fellow, The Japan Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences
The Japan Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences Technical Award
The Third International Forum on Heat Transfer Best Presentation Award
An analysis of quantum effect on the thermodynamic properties of cryogenic hydrogen
Aoyama Gakuin University Scientific Award: Numerical Study on Detonation
Keynote Lecture Award, 28th International Symposium on Shock waves (Univ. of Manchgester, England)
Silver Medal, in recognition of contribution to ICDERS Involvement
The best Paper Award, The Japanese Society of Combustion
Fellow, Japan Society of Mechanical Engineering
Wactaw Cybulski Medal, Poland Academy of Science: Explosion
Asahi Scientific Promotion Award: Two-Phase Detonation

Fields of Project

  • Fluid dynamics

    Laminar-turbulent, Subsonic-supersonic-hypersonic, Boundary layer problem, Two-phase (gas-liquid, gas-solid, liquid-solid) problem

  • Heat Transfer

    Heat conduction, Heat convection, Radiation, Two-phase problem

  • Combustion

    Lamina-turbulent, Subsonic-supersonic-hypersonic, Boundary layer problem, Two-phase (gas-liquid, gas-solid, liquid-solid) problem, High temperature combustion

  • Chemical kinetics

    Hydrogen, Hydrocarbons, etc., Full reaction mechanism, Reduced reaction mechanism, Two-step reaction mechanism

  • Safety

    Nuclear power plant, Chemical plant, High pressure hydrogen release, Fuel cell system, ect.


A. Koichi Hayashi, Ph.D.


Graduate from Nishi High School (Tokyo Metropolitan)
Graduate from Waseda University, Dept. of Mech. Engrg. (BE)
Graduate from Nagoya University, Dept. of Aero. Engrg. (ME)
Graduate from U of Calif, Berkeley, Dept. of Mech. Engrg (MS)
Graduate from U of Colorado, Boulder, Dept. of Mech. Engrg (Ph.D.)


Research Associate, Princeton Univ., Mech. and Aero. Eng.
Research Associate, Nagoya Univ., Aeronautical Engrg.
Assistant Prof., Nagoya Univ., Aeronautical Engrg.
Associate Prof., Nagoya Univ., Aerospace Engrg.
Professor, Aoyama Gakuin University, Mechanical Engrg.
Emeritus, Aoyama Gakuin University
Cooperative Researcher, Sophia University, Mechanical Engrg.
President & CEO, Cosmo Silva Inc.

About us

company nameCosmo Silva Inc.
address4-4-11 Sakuragaoka, Tama,Tokyo 206-0013, JAPAN
© 2017 Cosmo Silva Inc.